Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Recently, I've tried my best not to make any set resolutions for each new year that comes. In the past I was far too ambitious and idealistic, setting myself up for failure.

I did break my rule slightly, and set myself one small goal last night ... to be sound asleep when the clock struck 12! Unfortunately, despite being in bed by 10:00 pm that didn't happen, thanks to some noisy neighbours with fireworks, and a little girl with three teeth coming through at once. Which just goes to prove my point!

That said, the start of a new year is a great time for reflection and evaluation, and I'm not averse to some "guiding principles" for the coming year.

When I started thinking about this last night, the first thought that came to mind was "survive"! I have friends who resolved last year to cook their way through a new recipe book. And I have read the blogs of people who do a craft project a day for a year. What fun things to do! But I don't have the time, or energy.

In 2012 I will be moving house (in less than three weeks!), and giving birth to my third child. I'll continue to work half time, and look after two toddlers. I'll work with Neil to design our new home, and sort out all our things ready to move into rental accommodation while it is built. I'll keep helping out in the Beginners Sabbath School at church, do my best to be a good wife and mother, and try to keep in touch with family and friends. I'll turn 40. I'll try to do regular blog posts (you may have noticed it slipping in the last month or two). And I think I'll be exhausted!

My resolutions for 2012 won't include any new activites. They'll be about the basics. How to do what I'm already doing better.

Here are my four "guiding principles" for the year ahead:

Respect my body. 
This doesn't have anything to do with losing weight, or even exercising. It just means I will try to listen to my body, and give it what it needs. Instead of forging ahead with what needs to be done, I'll rest when I need to. I'll be more aware of what my body is doing, both for me and for my unborn baby. I'll manage the gestational diabetes and pregnancy symptoms as best I can. But most of all, I'll be kind to myself. I'll recognise that what I weigh and how I look are not as important as how I feel and how I make others feel.

Improve my parenting skills. 
Particularly discipline. It is the one big area I struggle with. Now that Grace is approaching three, I'm finding it harder and harder to be consistent, and withstand her tears and tantrums. I'm not sure how I'll do this, but I'll try. Maybe read some books. Maybe go to a course. Feel free to offer suggestions!

Spend more time with my husband.
With all the things we're doing, and our completely opposite time clocks, it is becoming harder and harder for Neil and I to spend quality time together. But I'll try and make it a priority this year. And I'll try to make sure (oh-oh, here comes a set resolution!) we have one date night a month.

Spend more time with God.
Again, with such a busy life, personal devotional time is rare. Any personal time is (when was the last time I showered or went to the toilet all by myself?)! I could try and get up earlier, but I think the key here is to find ways to spend time with God during my other activities. Waiting until we're alone means it just doesn't happen.

So there you have it. That's what I'll be striving for this year. I'll let you know how I go.

In the meantime, I have a few posts waiting to be written ...

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