Monday 4 February 2013

Lucinda Starts Child Care

Today was Lucinda's first day at the early learning centre.

Three bags packed and ready to go.

She had a great time! She aced her one hour orientation last week while I was present, and without me today she was still happy. She drank her bottles, had three sleeps, and played contentedly. A model child!

Sitting with big sister Grace.

Perhaps it is because I only finished weaning her last week, and my hormones are wreaking havoc. Perhaps it is because she may be my last baby. Whatever the reason, I was feeling a bit emotional when I dropped her off with the others this morning.

Lucinda has been my smiling little sidekick 24/7 for the last (almost) eight months. I missed her terribly! It is weird for someone who was previously so independent, but I'm not used to being on my own!

We're going through a bit of change at the moment. Lucinda started childcare. Charlotte started in a new room on the 'big kid's side' of the early learning centre. Grace started kindergarten (at the same centre), and went up to the kindergarten Sabbath school class at church. She also started Adventurers (a program at church which I'm sure will feature in a post soon).

The three stooges!

I could easily view it as the end of my one-on-one time with Lucinda. The end of Charlotte's toddler years. The end of the way things have been so far.

But all those "starts" made me realise it is actually the beginning. The beginning of Lucinda learning to interact with others apart from her immediate family. The beginning of Grace's world expanding as she gains new skills and experiences, and builds her confidence while preparing for school.

Hopefully it isn't the end for me, either, but the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

The beginning of carrying a handbag (a couple of days a week) that doesn't contain nappies. The beginning of having a little 'free time' to work on my giant to-do list (until I start work in a couple of weeks!). The beginning of rediscovering the 'me' that, while altered forever by motherhood, still exists somewhere independent of my children.

Here's to new beginnings!

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