Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Introducing Lucinda Mae

I am very proud to introduce our third daughter, Lucinda Mae Finnegan, who was born at 9:52am on Friday, 8th June.

For those who are interested in these things, her vital statistics were:

  • Weight - 2830g (6 lbs 4 oz)
  • Length - 48.5 cm
  • Head Circumference - 34 cm

As Lucinda's parents, Neil and I are obviously delighted in the arrival of a healthy baby, as well as a beautiful one.

In fact, the whole family has enthusiastically welcomed her. Grace is fascinated in her every movement, and is quite gentle and keen to help. Charlotte mostly points and shouts "Baby, baby", but also loves to watch everything that is going on.

Of course there is the question of who she resembles. Will the "red curls" in this blog's title still apply? A lot of it remains to be seen. According to my mother, Lucinda looks a lot like I did as a baby, especially in the photo below.

Lucinda has dark eyes which I believe will turn blue, and quite fair hair. I didn't think there was much ginger in it, but this photo might prove me wrong.

Neil and Grace came to the hospital this morning to bring Lucinda and I home. The temperature was only in single digits, but she was rugged up nice and cosy.

I'm sure you'll see plenty more photos of Lucinda in the days and weeks to come.

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