Wednesday, 18 January 2012

6 Days of Creation Posters

This year I volunteered to help decorate the room the girls attend at Sabbath School. I'm not quite sure why I did that at such a busy time in my life, but it was fun!

The theme for this quarter is creation. I've finally finished the last of six posters I've been making depicting the six days of creation. All but the last one are already up on the wall at the Beginners Sabbath School at church. I drew all the outlines freehand, and I'm not a brilliant artist but was quite pleased with the results.

Here they are ...

I'll try to post a picture of them all on the wall (and the rest of the room decor) sometime soon.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Pregnancy Progress

This week I will be 16 weeks pregnant, and will visit the obstetrician again. Only four more weeks until we know if we're having a boy or a girl! Scarier yet, only four more weeks until we're half way there!

I can honestly say I really don't mind what gender this baby is. I'd be very happy to have all girls. A son would be lovely, but also a bit daunting. Boys seem so much more boisterous! Grace is sure though. She wants a baby brother!

We had the 12 week ultrasound on the 7th December, and everything was looking good. "Ollie" was the correct size, and doesn't have Downs Syndrome. The placenta was in a good place, and looking healthy. All up, an excellent report.

Here is the photo:

He/she is looking much more like a little person now, don't you think? Spent the time either waving or picking his/her nose (I prefer the former!).

With all that is going on in our lives at the moment, it is easy to be less mindful of this precious little person in my womb. But he/she is growing beautifully, and I can't wait to meet him/her. What a blessing!

Charlotte's Dedication

Back on the 10th December, 2011 (I told you I was behind with posts!) Charlotte was dedicated at Nunawading Seventh-day Adventist Church by my father, who is a retired pastor. He also dedicated Grace in 2010.

Before the service, we were able to show just a few photos on a powerpoint, but not the slide show with backing music we had done for Grace.

Unfortunately I don't have any photos of us all up the front, but I can assure you we looked great! Charlotte had a rusk sticking out of her mouth like a cigar, but it kept her quiet ... up until she dropped it on the floor just before the prayer. With so many people watching I didn't think I could pick it up and stick it back in, so she was a little bit noisy just towards the end. But what do you expect from an 11-month old?!

After the service, we had some friends around for lunch. Most contributed a yummy dish to our buffet, and it was a pretty low-key, relaxed event. A bit different to the big party we had for Grace's dedication!

The other thing that was different was the cake. Not having the spare cash to afford a bought one, I tried my hand at making one instead. It was a Greens Chocolate Mud Cake packet mix, which was delightfully moist. The exterior looked a bit amateurish, but not bad for my first effort, I thought!

The girls seemed excited by it, and the kids definitely lined up while it was being cut to sample a piece.

I was pleased with the little take-home gifts I made for the people who came to lunch. They were cranberry and white chocolate cookies (bought from Safeway, I have to confess!) in little bags, with a sticker that included a photo of Charlotte.

It probably isn't easy to read on the photo, but the text reads:

"I was placed in your care from birth. From my mother's womb you have been my God." Psalm 22:10

It is my hope that Charlotte will never experience a time of not knowing God and his incredible love for her. I grew up that way, and feel very fortunate to have done so. I hope I can show her that she is very special, that God has a plan for her, and that He is always with her. I can't think of a better legacy to leave a child.

Christmas Decorations 2011

There wasn't a themed decor at our house this Christmas. No colour co-ordinated decorations. Nothing breakable. My precious souvenir and gift decorations from overseas stayed in their boxes. But I was quite happy with it that way.

Instead, we went for handmade (mixed in with other bits and bobs).

Grace and Grandma painted and put stickers on some shapes to hang on the tree.

Our friend Margaret from Sabbath School knitted little bears and rabbits for us.

Dylan and Owen in England were assisted by their mum Sarah to make some beautiful personalised baubles for Grace and Charlotte.

There was even a decoration Charlotte made at childcare.

We strung the Christmas cards we received across the stone fireplace like last year. At first it seemed ambitious having three strings up, but we filled up four again. And that was our Christmas corner!

You'll note the play pen protecting Charlotte from the tree (and vice versa)! And the stockings hanging from Grace's new kitchen because I wasn't sure where else to put them.

One final note. I haven't got a picture of it, but this year I purchased the Fischer Price Little People Nativity Set. I can't recommend it highly enough. Grace played with it for hours, pressing the angel to make the star shine on baby Jesus and the music play. And it is completely children-who-like-to-chew-things-or-throw-them-on-the-floor friendly!

New Year's Resolutions

Recently, I've tried my best not to make any set resolutions for each new year that comes. In the past I was far too ambitious and idealistic, setting myself up for failure.

I did break my rule slightly, and set myself one small goal last night ... to be sound asleep when the clock struck 12! Unfortunately, despite being in bed by 10:00 pm that didn't happen, thanks to some noisy neighbours with fireworks, and a little girl with three teeth coming through at once. Which just goes to prove my point!

That said, the start of a new year is a great time for reflection and evaluation, and I'm not averse to some "guiding principles" for the coming year.

When I started thinking about this last night, the first thought that came to mind was "survive"! I have friends who resolved last year to cook their way through a new recipe book. And I have read the blogs of people who do a craft project a day for a year. What fun things to do! But I don't have the time, or energy.

In 2012 I will be moving house (in less than three weeks!), and giving birth to my third child. I'll continue to work half time, and look after two toddlers. I'll work with Neil to design our new home, and sort out all our things ready to move into rental accommodation while it is built. I'll keep helping out in the Beginners Sabbath School at church, do my best to be a good wife and mother, and try to keep in touch with family and friends. I'll turn 40. I'll try to do regular blog posts (you may have noticed it slipping in the last month or two). And I think I'll be exhausted!

My resolutions for 2012 won't include any new activites. They'll be about the basics. How to do what I'm already doing better.

Here are my four "guiding principles" for the year ahead:

Respect my body. 
This doesn't have anything to do with losing weight, or even exercising. It just means I will try to listen to my body, and give it what it needs. Instead of forging ahead with what needs to be done, I'll rest when I need to. I'll be more aware of what my body is doing, both for me and for my unborn baby. I'll manage the gestational diabetes and pregnancy symptoms as best I can. But most of all, I'll be kind to myself. I'll recognise that what I weigh and how I look are not as important as how I feel and how I make others feel.

Improve my parenting skills. 
Particularly discipline. It is the one big area I struggle with. Now that Grace is approaching three, I'm finding it harder and harder to be consistent, and withstand her tears and tantrums. I'm not sure how I'll do this, but I'll try. Maybe read some books. Maybe go to a course. Feel free to offer suggestions!

Spend more time with my husband.
With all the things we're doing, and our completely opposite time clocks, it is becoming harder and harder for Neil and I to spend quality time together. But I'll try and make it a priority this year. And I'll try to make sure (oh-oh, here comes a set resolution!) we have one date night a month.

Spend more time with God.
Again, with such a busy life, personal devotional time is rare. Any personal time is (when was the last time I showered or went to the toilet all by myself?)! I could try and get up earlier, but I think the key here is to find ways to spend time with God during my other activities. Waiting until we're alone means it just doesn't happen.

So there you have it. That's what I'll be striving for this year. I'll let you know how I go.

In the meantime, I have a few posts waiting to be written ...