Thursday, 10 November 2011

Garden Produce

Earlier this year (in late summer/autumn) I purchased some seeds, in the hope of growing a vegetable garden. I'm envious of my parents and the lovely fresh produce they enjoy from Dad's raised garden beds.

I planted some carrot, zucchini and silverbeet seeds. I left them to the sun, and the plentiful rain (which unfortunately overflowed from the gutter and flooded them numerous times).

But I didn't do much to prepare the soil first.

So nothing much happened.

My seedlings grew a little, and then stopped. I left them there, hoping for a miracle, but none came.

The other day I decided to "harvest" my small crop.

I thought it didn't look too bad. Steamed silverbeet and honeyed baby carrots were lovely side vegetables. It's just lucky there is only two of us (I gave the girls something else) or we wouldn't have had enough.

Neil couldn't resist a photo to prove just how miniscule the carrots really were:

But as it is often said, it isn't the size that counts. They tasted very fresh and carroty!

I think next time I'll take a leaf out of Dad's book and spend a lot of time on soil preparation and composition. But you have to start somewhere!

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