Thursday, 30 June 2011

Starting Art

The girls and I had a fun time at the shops this morning. After I returned an expensive dress I'd bought but never worn, I felt cashed up enough to go to the art & craft shop and go a bit crazy! I managed to talk Grace out of a lot of items (or hide them while she wasn't looking!), she talked me into buying others, and we all ended up pretty happy with our loot.

Then this afternoon, while Charlotte slept, Grace did some finger painting. She had a wonderful time, and looked very cute in her new smock.

I have to confess that until now our art at home has been limited to crayons, pencils and markers. But Grace enjoys painting so much, I think it will definitely become a regular activity. All I have to figure out now is ... what do I do with all her pictures?

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

What's in a Name?

And so, to explain the title of my blog.

"red curls" ...

Grace (2 years)

Charlotte (6 months)

It's pretty obvious, isn't it? My two beautiful daughters both have red hair. Grace has a lovely head of bouncy curls, and it remains to be seen if Charlotte will follow suit.

"and pearls" ...

It rhymes! And the pearl is apparently my birthstone. But there's more to it than that.

I kind of like the fact that a precious jewel can be found inside something that looks ordinary and unattractive. I like that an irritant can be transformed into something beautiful. And I like the fact that valuable gems are there to be found, if you are willing to take the time to look for them.

I'm hoping to take that time, and share some pearls with you.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Some women go shoe shopping when they're feeling down. For others, it's handbags. My fetish ... notebooks!

That's right! I love the clean, crisp lined sheets of an empty notebook, full of potential.

But that's where it often ends. I love to write, but many times I don't want to 'ruin' a new book by writing just anything. It needs to be something significant, meaningful, worthy ... and so the page stays empty.

I've been putting off starting this blog for the same reason. I wanted to know exactly how to do it, get the design right, and have something really important to say.

I haven't got there yet, but I've decided to start anyway. Why? Because I want to write about life, and that's what life is like. A bit messy. Ideas evolve. Thoughts develop. You learn as you go.

So please join me on this journey of learning, sharing, experiencing and celebrating life as I know it. I'd love your company.