Friday, 25 January 2013

A Holiday ... and No Holiday

Should you be wondering where I've been over the last couple of weeks ... I've been on holiday!

I'm sorry I didn't warn you about the impending hiatus in posts, but my list of things to do before we left was so long a few things had to give.

My husband, daughters and I flew to Brisbane in early January. We spent two weeks with my parents, hanging out a lot with my sister and her family, and catching up with friends. Lucinda was dedicated on the 12th January. And the girls LOVED being with their cousins.

All of this will feature in future posts. For now, here's a picture of my three girls with my sister's five children, all enjoying an ice cream together at Southbank (thanks, Grandma!).

The cousins enjoy an icecream together on a hot Brisbane day.

And now to the 'no holiday' bit ...

Yesterday I signed up to the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation program.

And so begins a new battle in this long standing war.

They say you should keep trying to quit smoking, because every attempt brings you closer to success. I guess the same is true with weight loss.

One of the pre season tasks involves committing to your goals, and telling others about them.

So, here it is ...

My long term (and I mean a couple of years!) goal is to lose 52.3 kg.

My short term goal (in the next 3 months) is to lose 20 kg.

As I said on Facebook, I begin this journey with a great deal of trepidation. I've had small victories in the past, but never won the war.

However, there is also determination. I will give it my best shot.

Maybe if I'm successful, I'll deserve another holiday!

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Home Grown Beetroot

I haven't shown you pictures of the veggie garden yet, but I can tell you that the other day I harvested the first of our produce.

Delicious little baby beetroot that were originally purchased on Mother's Day, and unintentionally spent several months in a tray of seedlings on the front porch before being planted.

I wasn't quite sure when to harvest them, but did a quick Google search after noticing the globes protruding above the ground. I learned that you can leave beetroot to grow as big as you like, but the smaller, golf ball sized globes are most tender. Mine were about that size, so I picked them.

Baby beetroot picked fresh from the garden.

Filled with enthusiasm, I found a recipe on the All Recipes website for a Beetroot, Rocket, Feta and Walnut Salad (found here). I had all the ingredients, so with only minor modifications to the recipe I made a delicious salad that Neil and I enjoyed with our dinner. (The girl's taste buds weren't adventurous enough to try it.)

Beetroot, rocket, feta and walnut salad.

I did include quite a few of the smaller beetroot leaves too, which looked and tasted good.

We're constantly picking and using spinach leaves, but the next big crop from the garden will hopefully be tomatoes. I'm looking forward to that!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

A Rag Doll - Part 1

I was going through my craft box the other night, and came across a calico doll I made. It must have been while I was in university - nearly 20 years ago!

This particular UFO (unfinished object) must be one of the oldest in my collection, and has travelled Australia with me. I thought it was high time I got it finished!

The calico doll's body.

The first thing I did was embroider the facial features (and I admit, I un-picked and re-did them a couple of times before I was happy).

The completed doll's face.

Next was the hair, which I had no idea how to do before coming across a tutorial on the Quaint and Quirky blog (found here). The instructions were really clear, and I didn't have too much trouble (except with the wool, which Grace had 'rearranged' for me earlier in the year).

Never leave a 2-year-old alone with two balls of wool!

My only tip would be to check the size of your doll's head. Because I already had a body, and didn't use the tutorial pattern, the hair was a little bit shorter than I would have liked.

This is what the doll looks like now:

Isn't she cute?

The hair is in a short bob, because it was only this long at the front.

I don't think I could be a hairdresser!

Next I'll make the clothes. Grace has reminded me a few times already.

"Mummy, the dolly is cold!"

I'm Thankful For ...

I thought listing some of the things I had to be thankful for in 2012 would be a nice way to start the year.

"Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life." Robert Louis Stevenson.

Looking back on 2012, I am thankful for:

  • The birth of our beautiful, healthy new baby daughter, Lucinda. A labour that was quick and uncomplicated, and all those precious quiet moments feeding and holding her.
  • A husband who loves me, loves our children, works to provide for us, and is courageous enough to seek help when he needs it.
  • My two big girls, who bring a lot of joy and laughter to my life. We have our challenges, but I wouldn't change them for the world.
  • A new (to us) home with lots of space outside for the girls to play, friendly neighbours, and plenty of trees to feed my soul.
  • The support I received while Neil was in hospital, and again after my cancer surgery. It means a lot to have so many people who care.
  • A skilful surgeon who removed all my tumour, and left me with minimal scarring.
  • My parents, who came to visit (Mum for a month when Lucinda was due, and both later in the year) and show their support.
  • Several fun family weekends away - to Bright, Daylesford, Inverloch and Echuca, and a holiday with family in Brisbane.
  • Work that is rewarding, colleagues who are encouraging, and an office that is not too far from home.

And that is all without mentioning the 'basics' I take for granted, which so many in the world do not have.

"I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me." Psalm 13:6, NIV.

New Year's Resolutions 2013

Yep, it's that time of year again.

Time to look back on how things went over the last 12 months.

And time to look forward and set goals for the year ahead.

In my New Year's Resolutions post at the start of 2012 (found here), I set out to do four things:

  • Respect my body.
  • Improve my parenting skills.
  • Spend more time with my husband.
  • Spend more time with God.

I made a little bit of progress. I read quite a lot of 'Toddler Taming', and went on about four date nights with Neil. I kept good health during my pregnancy (it has fallen away a bit since then), and read the odd devotional. But I haven't really got there with any of them yet.

Not that it is clear where 'there' is!

These areas of life will always require attention. They're not goals I can cross off as done.

However, in 2013, I'd like to frame things slightly differently. Once again I'm focusing on broad principles. But I'll try to break it down into specific and achievable goals.

I'd like to make 2013 the year I Nurture The Relationships In My Life.

Specifically, I'd like to focus on my relationships with God, myself, Neil, my children, my family, my friends, my church, and others.

In measurable terms, I will:

  • Make the gifts I give to my family and friends. I'm already full of ideas. Just expect that your present might be a little bit late to arrive - especially if you're one of the seven people with birthdays in February!
  • Go on one date night a month with Neil.
  • Invite someone to our home for a meal each month. No matter what the house looks like.
  • Go on a family weekend away quarterly.
  • Spend some quiet time alone in prayer every day. Even if it is in the middle of the night.
  • Look into starting a small Bible study group with other parents of small children. Maybe mums one week, and dads the alternate week?
  • Find a way to convince myself I am 'good enough'.

I'm not sure how achievable that is, but I'll give it a go!

What about you? Do you have any resolutions for the year ahead?